
Friday, 7 October 2011

5 Things That Made Me Smile This Week

Photo by photostock

  1. I logged into Facebook the other day to find a friend request from my grandmother. She lives quite a while away (not insanely far but far enough for me as I don't drive) and we don't speak much, so I was glad to see her on there - if a little shocked because she's not great with computers!
  2. Goldilocks has never been fully dry or clean and usually has at least one accident every day, for unknown reasons. She's been brilliant this week, 4 days without accidents in school, one of those days she was dry and clean all day! 
  3. A random message on Facebook from my uncle did a lot to raise my spirits after a particularly bad shock earlier in the week. We fell out after I got pregnant with Goldilocks and it's taken until about this time last year for us to be on talking terms again. I was really pleased to receive his message, reminding me that he still loves me and my sister. It was a completely unexpected gesture but a great sign.
  4. I've mentioned several times before about the increasing closeness between Big Bear and Goldilocks. It's great watching them from my kitchen window as they set off on the school run together and it was even better seeing him gently brush her hair before bed the other night. Goldilocks protested at first and was alarmed at the change, but it ended well and I bet I'll be seeing more of this soon - after 2 years it's about time!
  5. Little Bear has got on brilliantly with his walking and put his new skills to the test this morning. As soon as he saw the front door open he legged it, laughing and shrieking excitedly. He would've got into the communal hallway if Big Bear hadn't swooped him up at the last second!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've got lots to be pleased about this week. I love your photo.


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