
About Us

The characters in this story, and any random bits you may like to know about them. If you want to know more, feel free to let me know - the worst I can do is say no!

Name: TYWM (That's ME!)
Age: 20
Likes: Her children and other half <3
Dislikes: People being judgemental, people without experience telling me how to parent!
Favourite Activity: Thinking - a lot.
Funniest Moment: The midwife delivering Little Bear told me to push for the placenta, saying it was a bit like having another baby. I freaked out, screaming to Big Bear "Oh my god - am I having twins?"

Name: Big Bear
Age: 25
Likes: Mushrooms, really crap films (some good ones!)
Dislikes: Mess
Favourite Activity: At the moment, working on the house!
Funniest Moment: Impossible to choose!

Name: Goldilocks, formerly Mochyn Gini
Age: 5
Likes: Little Bear, music, scaffolding
Dislikes: White noise, doing what she's told, tidying
Favourite Activity: Singing
Funniest Moment: Me: "What's a ghosts favourite dessert? *spooky voice* ...Ice cream!" Goldilocks, a few minutes later: "What's a ghosts favourite dessert? *spooky voice*...Jelly!"

Name: Little Bear
Age: 10 Months
Likes: Being as independent as possible
Dislikes: Keeping still
Favourite Activity: Trying to walk, giving very drooly kisses
Funniest Moment: Urinating on health visitors leg the first time she weighed him - in years to come I shall remind him that he clearly never liked her :D

Name: Baby Bear
Age: Still in progress, due 2nd Oct 2011!
Likes: Kicking, morphing my belly into inhuman shapes!
Dislikes: Me - eating or drinking too much.
Favourite Activity: See "Likes"
Funniest Moment: "Showing off" during scans!
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