With summer comes that wonderful period of time when you get to enjoy your child's company constantly for six whole weeks, without having to share him/her with anybody else. Such a blissful time of year, it's only fair to fill it with as many activities and adventures as you can...
Who am I kidding? Let's face it, those six weeks may start out blissful, but unless you have an actual holiday to break up the monotony, then your "time together" may turn out pretty hectic. And you may end up bald from pulling your hair out.
Still disagreeing? After the first week, you've exhausted all your summer savings on trips to your local soft-play, arcade, cinema etc. The rest of the 5 weeks are spent listening to "MUM CAN I HAVE..."
Over. And over. And over. Remember the advert - "MUM CAN WE HAVE A RABBIT MUM CAN WE HAVE A RABBIT MUM CAN WE HAVE A RABBIT..."
Yes, you get the point - I'll stop now. We could all do with a few days out to posh but child-friendly places, but the money just isn't always there! Unless you're rich, in which case - lucky you! Not only that, but here in Blighty, the weather isn't often here either!
So, to make sure I don't spend the last few weeks before summer a nervous wreck, I've decided to research as many "cheap options" as I can. I was surprised at how much of it was just down to common sense. Now I'm chilled, I'll just watch the rest of you suffer for six weeks... :)
Just kidding. Look forward to some posts on cheap activities and if you have any ideas, by all means - share them.
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